A non-profit organization dedicated to educating the community about natural health

(989) 317-4787

Extra, Extra Herbs for Children!

Just a few generations ago, most people used home remedies when their children were sick.   The allopathic doctor was called upon only when the problem was serious or failed to respond to these home remedies.  Today, few parents know how to use home remedies.  Most take their children to the doctor for relatively benign ailments […]

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NITE Herbal Revisions & Faculty Departments

After twenty years of constant changes and improvements to the  Institute’s core program, there is always room to grow and expand.  So, this past October, during the annual instructor conference, we revamped, rewrote, organized and improved every aspect of the 6  programs taught at the Institute. The first improvement was to unite all 19 instructors […]

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Huge Natural Health Conference 2016

June of 2016 brings our first annual Natural Health Conference!  The   theme will be “Raising Healthy Children and Keeping Them Healthy.”  The conference was originally planned for June 5th thru 7th of 2015.  However, the speakers we wanted are in such high demand that they need to be scheduled at least 18 months in advance! […]

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NITE’s 20 Year Anniversary/Homecoming – June 2015

It’s been an amazing twenty years of non stop adventure. To celebrate, we are having a Homecoming Outing!  Every alumni of every program is welcome, all students, instructors past and present are also invited to attend. The celebration will take place at the Ranch on Friday and Saturday, June 5th and 6th, 2015. Campers by […]

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Restore Your Natural Hair Color With A Comb by Joyce Wang

Joyce Wang, a junior at NITE, turned her hair from white back to its natural black color with a comb!  This is an adaptation of Joyce’s 10 page story. After I lost some weight using the Eat to Live food program, and ate a lot of organic vegetables, I didn’t want to use chemicals to […]

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Essential Oils Explode in Popularity

Now, more than ever before, it seems that friends, family and co-workers are familiar with, if not pretty darn good at, the use and application of essential oils.  This is great news for everyone!  More people are empowered to help themselves by preventing illness and solving simple ailments.  If we had two simple wishes as […]

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Naturopathic View on Preventing Cancer

Choose the emotions and attitudes that heal. Forgiveness dissolves lumps and growths. Love yourself; it gives your immune system a reason to protect you. Be grateful; it changes your cellular vitality in a way that prevents all illness. Choose the foods that you inherently know are good for you. Make certain that your primary source […]

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