- Choose the emotions and attitudes that heal.
- Forgiveness dissolves lumps and growths.
- Love yourself; it gives your immune system a reason to protect you.
- Be grateful; it changes your cellular vitality in a way that prevents all illness.
- Choose the foods that you inherently know are good for you.
- Make certain that your primary source of drinking and bathing water is purified.
- Get rid of commercial personal care products and switch to organic right away.
- Develop a regular routine for stretching and moving your body.
- Do not avoid sunshine! Seek 20 minutes of morning or afternoon sunshine daily.
- Learn and develop a deep breathing routine for 10 minutes per day.
- Read new materials that please and uplift you even if they are by audio.
- Eat organic and/or local foods whenever possible.
- Reduce time in front of computers, TV’s, cell phones; use protective devices to reduce electromagnetic frequency exposure.
- Raise a garden, even if it’s small.
- Wear natural clothing and avoid rayon, polyester and spandex.
- Remove all mercury fillings & root canals.
- Do regular colon, liver and blood cleanses.
- Take a personalized, high quality, supplement and essential oil program.
- Develop your spiritual character.
- Laugh much and often.