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Outward Signs of Inward Problems

by Amy Jo Howard, N.D., C.H.

Our bodies are truly amazing. One of the countless amazing aspects is that if we know how to look for the clues, our bodies give us external signs of internal imbalances. So, that mole that you don’t like; well, that’s your liver telling you that it doesn’t like how congested you’ve let it become. So, pay attention, here’s a short guide to make some important translations.

Let’s start with the face. Are you looking in the mirror? The upper part of the forehead corresponds to the large intestine. The part of the forehead just above the eyebrows relates to the small intestine. Between the eyes and just above the eyes tells you about the liver. Just below the eyes gives you information about the kidneys. The upper part of your nose is the pancreas; the middle part of the nose is the stomach; and the tip of the nose is the heart. The cheeks correspond to the lungs. The upper lip represents the stomach, while the lower lip represents the intestines. The chin area correlates with the reproductive system. Are you looking in the mirror now? Any line, wrinkle, mole, birthmark, wart, discoloration, etc., in any of these areas is a sign that that part of the body is trying to tell you something.

Ever get headaches? Headaches in the front of the head (forehead) correspond to the kidneys. They are probably
outward signs of inward problems
by Amy Jo Howard, N.D., C.H.trying to tell you to drink more water. Headaches at the top of the head are a message from the large intestine, and headaches at the back of the head come from the liver.

Warts, calluses, corns, moles, and other markings and discolorations on the hands and feet are indications of internal imbalances. On the hands, the thumb corresponds to the lungs; the first finger relates to the large intestine; the middle finger represents circulation; the ring finger indicates the thyroid, pancreas, and adrenals; and the little finger represents the heart and small intestine. On the feet, the big toe relates to the spleen and liver; the second and third toe represent the stomach; the fourth toe corresponds with the gallbladder; and the little toe relates to the bladder.

Looking at the nails: white spots are a sign of a zinc deficiency and excess sugar; brittle nails indicate iron deficiency and thyroid, kidney, or circulation concerns; peeling nails are an indication of nutritional imbalances; vertical ridges represent nutritional imbalances and underactive digestion; horizontal ridges relate to significant dietary changes; an absence of white moons at the nail base corresponds with a slow metabolism; and thick nails are a sign of overconsumption of protein and fat and poor circulation.

If you moved away from the mirror, go back to it now. Stick out your tongue. A blue tongue indicates a lack of oxygen in the body; a pale tongue indicates internal cold and poor circulation; a yellow coating on the tongue represents liver, gallbladder, or spleen imbalances; a white coating on the tongue relates to a 3weak digestive system and nutritional deficiencies; a quivering tongue shows nervous system and adrenal stress; scalloped edges on the sides of the tongue represent weak digestion and malabsorption; cracks in the center of the tongue indicate digestive system concerns, and swollen buds relate to inflammation in the body.

This is just a very brief version of all the messages that your organs are trying to convey to you. What you need to do now is pay attention. Beauty really does come from the inside. So, taking better care of your health overall supports your health inside and out. If you would like some help interpreting your body’s messages, schedule an appointment with one of the naturopaths at herbs etc today.