A non-profit organization dedicated to educating the community about natural health

(989) 317-4787

How a Child’s Movements Affect How They Learn

On June 25, Occupational Therapist, Terri Cooper will be presenting the Alumni class: Discovering How a Child’s Physical Movements Affect How They Learn. During this talk, participants will be invited to look at academic learning and behavior as merely the tip of a
developmental pyramid. The foundational factors that are critical to achieving one’s highest potential will be identified and explored. Sensory processing, motor planning and
sequencing, and reflex integration as they relate to regulation, development, and wellness will be defined and discussed.

Also, learn how changes in our modern society, such as lack of tummy time and crawling for infants, increased use of infant carriers, early introduction to TV, computers, and video games, and a decrease in recess and free play outside have impacted our children, schools, learning, and behavior.

This class will include active participation in integrative exercises, so come prepared to move! If you have children or work with children, this class is a must! Or, if you’re wondering how your early movements are impacting you now, come learn how to achieve your highest potential.

This class is June 25, 2011 from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m. The cost is $89, and registration is required. Please call NCC at (989) 773-3636 to sign up.