A non-profit organization dedicated to educating the community about natural health

(989) 317-4787

Free Herbal Training Every Quarter

Attention all herbs etc.  customers, clients and friends of natural health:  Every 3 months, we offer a free one day seminar on our herbal products from Nature’s Sunshine and other great companies, including oils, homeopathics, teas and more.

The class is free, fun and very informative! Class time is from 9 am to 4 pm with a one hour lunch break.

Bessheen Baker, ND, is the founder of herbs etc. and the Naturopathic Institute. She teaches all the quarterly classes and fits more into your brain than you ever thought possible!

Please bring note taking material and anyone interested in learning how to take care of their health naturally.  Please call the store to let us know you will be attending.

 June 16th Topics:

*Natural Approach to Diabetes

*Cancer Prevention and Remedies

*Sexy at 70 and Up

*Self Esteem thru Immunity


Sept. 16th Topics:

*Herbs for Teenagers

*Digestion 101

*Motivation and Energy

*Inflammation Cycle/Repair