A non-profit organization dedicated to educating the community about natural health

(989) 317-4787

Cell Receptors: The Bodyguards to Health

On each cell in the body, there are numerous receptors.  A receptor is a molecule found on the surface of a cell that receives chemical signals from outside the cell. When external substances bind to a receptor, they direct the cell to do something, such as allow specific substances to enter or exit the cell.  […]

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Non-Toxic Female Products

A huge contributing factor to the increase in hormone imbalance is the petrochemicals we are exposed to in the environment.  Petrochemicals are found in plastics, microchips, pharmaceutical drugs, soaps, perfumes, clothing, and even our foods!  To give you an idea of how detrimental this exposure is, consider this:  Studies have been done on animals exposed […]

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Plastics, Petrochemicals, and Hormones

Do you have any of these symptoms or know someone who does?  Allergies?  Thyroid imbalance?  Depression?  Foggy thinking?  Headaches?  Gallbladder issues? Do you know that all of these health conditions can be contributed to estrogen dominance?  That’s right, too much estrogen.  And, how do you get too much estrogen?  Stress, nutritional deficiencies, synthetic estrogen medications, […]

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What is a GMO?

A GMO is a genetically modified organism. These are plants or animals that are created through gene splicing techniques, also called genetic engineering or biotechnology. This experimentation merges DNA from different species, creating unstable combinations of plant, animal, bacterial, and viral genes that do not occur in nature. Nearly all GMO’s are engineered to withstand […]

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Polarity Therapy to Restore Your Energy

It’s easy to miss some of the subtle, great therapies available at herbs etc with so many to choose from! Did you know that one of the easiest ways to regain your energy is to make sure your compass is pointing North? That’s exactly right, from all the exposure to cell phone towers, computer energy pollution, […]

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Amy’s Top 25 Homeopathic Remedies

If I didn’t have a homeopathic kit and wanted to start collecting remedies to make one or wanted a few essentials to take while traveling, these are the ones I would start with: Aconite: shock; fear; panic; illness after exposure to cold air Apis: bee stings; swelling; shingles; allergic reactions Arnica: injuries; bruises; pain; healing […]

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The Beauty of Silver (Shield)

Silver has long been used for its antibacterial properties and history of fighting infections. With antibiotic resistant microbes on the rise due to the overuse of antibiotics, it is reassuring to know that Silver is a natural compound that will help the body fight against bacteria. The development of silver nanoparticles, microscopic-sized silver particles that are […]

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