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NITE Light: The Moon and Woman: The Four Archetypal Stages of Women

NITE Natural Health Quarterly Newsletter – Summer 2017 At the Naturopathic Institute of Therapies and Education (NITE), we know the value of sharing knowledge with others who are passionate about natural healing and naturopathic study. We strive to impart the knowledge, gained by our faculty through years of experience and training, to anyone who is […]

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Improve Your Oral Health With This Pantry Staple

by Kara McNabb, N.H.E. Oil pulling is a traditional Ayurvedic remedy for removing toxins from the body. When you have dental conditions or decay, oil pulling is a must. The simple technique pulls bacteria, pus, infection and plaque build-up for cleaner teeth, softer lips and less peeling and cracking. It helps whitens teeth and tightens […]

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The Hidden Clues in Your Nails

by Kara McNabb, N.H.E. If your nails crack, peel or split, read on! If you’ve got marks, colors or interesting nail shapes, you’ll want to keep reading, too. Our fingernails also provide an indication as to what’s happening internally. Spoon-shaped convex nails can sign a vitamin B12 deficiency or anemia. Unusually wide square nails are […]

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How Your Birthday Determines Your Mineral Needs

by Kara McNabb, N.H.E. German biochemist William Scheussler found that when specific minerals were lacking, disease is present. Certain minerals are more abundant during certain times of the year. This is seen in our food supply, and it’s also true for our tissue development. To determine which minerals you may be abundant or deficient in, […]

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Winter Skin Care Tips: Safe Alternatives to Soothing Cracked Skin

by Kara McNabb, N.H.E. ‘Tis the season for dry skin and chapped lips. What are you doing to keep your kisser soft? If you’re using a lip balm product, check the ingredients. You could be putting gasoline on your lips! If you see petroleum listed, it’s time to toss it. This ingredient is actually adding […]

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A Simple Solution to Reduce Acid Reflux

by Carlyn Molloseau, L.M.T. More than three million people each year are diagnosed with hiatal hernias, or stomach hernias, according to the Mayo Clinic. A hiatal hernia is a condition where the stomach pushes up through the esophageal opening in the diaphragm muscle which can lead to abdominal pain, nausea and acid reflux. Are you […]

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Improve Your Vision Without Glasses

by Kara McNabb, N.H.E. There was once a time when eye doctors didn’t prescribe eyeglasses to those with weak eyesight. Instead, they gave patients exercises to strengthen their muscles. These exercises varied depending on near- or far-sightedness. One technique, for instance, leveraged a piece of cardboard with a pinhole. Held up to the eye, you’d […]

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